
Ociswap's founders and team members


Ociswap was founded back in november 2021 by Christoph Heuermann, Florian Pieper, Lukas Steffen and Marco. Additional information about each founder is provided below.

Christoph Heuermann

Christoph (33) is the founder and the face of Staatenlos. After studying administrative sciences, he gave up his residence in Germany at the age of 24 to travel to all countries of the world, to position himself optimally according to the flag theory and to advise others to do the same.

Staatenlos has since turned into a business that generated millions in sales and amassed an online community with over 20,000 followers. Christoph actively blogs about his travels and is an avid reader, but is also no stranger to cryptocurrencies.

In the past years, Christoph wrote numerous articles on the usage of crypto while traveling, attended several crypto conferences around the globe and offers crypto consultancy services.

Area of expertise: legal and business establishment

Florian Pieper

Florian (31, Germany) is an experienced senior developer with a background in computer science focusing on backend development and machine learning.

He is Ociswap's tech lead and responsible for developing the smart contracts and analytics backend and leading the way in major technical decisions. This especially includes researching and drafting the theoretical concept of the exchange mechanics.

Florian is also a well known part of the Radix community for his analysis of other major layer 1 networks which made the decision to build Ociswap on Radix an easy one. Employing Radix's unique advantage Scrypto as smart contract language to drastically reduces the risk for hacks and exploits.

Area of expertise: back-end and smart contract development

Lukas Steffen

Lukas (31, Germany) is an experienced online marketeer and IT salesperson that traveled all over the world for three years to feed his wanderlust.

Carrying just a small backpack and his notebook, he not only discovered the most beautiful places on earth but also met loads of unique people. This helped him come up with new business ideas for the online marketing space.

During his journey in 2017, Lukas was completely immersed in the crypto world and even hosted an online conference with well-known Digital Nomads, covering the topic of cryptocurrencies.

Having left the nomad lifestyle behind, he started a new journey in 2021 after hearing about Radix from Christoph Heuermann. This led to him co-founding the Staatenlos Node and subsequently meeting Marco and Florian in the Radix chats.

The latter two approached Lukas about co-founding Ociswap, which he personally describes as being one of the best decisions in his life. Since November '21, Lukas is passionately spreading the word about Radix and Ociswap. Both online and offline.

Area of expertise: partnerships, marketing, social media and community management


Marco (50+, Spain) has over twenty years of entrepreneurial and webmaster experience and is the founder of the Radix German Group. Marco can be described as a positive thinker and the epitome of tranquility.

Since the start of his crypto journey back in 2017, he always had the dream to start his own project. Out of all the layer-1 protocols, Marco firmly believes that Radix provides the best foundation to make that dream become reality. This resulted in the birth of Ociswap.

With the help of his extensive experience and in-depth knowledge, Marco takes on a key role when strategic decisions have to be made. Additionally, he is actively involved in our marketing efforts and is the driving force behind the design of our flyers and website.

Overall, the success of Radix and delivering an exceptional user experience with Ociswap is paramount to him.

Area of expertise: organisation, strategy and design



Alina managed to turn her hobby into her profession and has over ten years of experience as a developer. She plays a vital role in the front-end development of Ociswap and is able to accurately implement any design template to give our website its magical touch. Aside from being a skilled front-end developer, she is also no stranger to back-end development. Area of expertise: front-end development


Area of expertise: generalist


Area of expertise: back-end and Scrypto development


Area of expertise: back-end development


Daan is currently studying computer science at the University of Amsterdam, and brings with him a wealth of experience in programming, computer graphics/3D art, machine learning and more. After discovering crypto in 2017, he found Radix two years ago and immediately joined the community. Daan will be mainly developing Ocibot and adding new functionality, but he is willing to help out wherever needed. He has prior experience working with Scrypto and is running a validator in the Netherlands called Krulknul.

Area of expertise: The Botfather and back-end development


Area of expertise: Scrypto development


Area of expertise: graphics design


Gunther hails from Europe and is a developer with a repertoire of several languages, including C, Rust, Python and Julia. Coming from a physics background, he has strong math and technical skills as well as complementary interests in AI, astronomy and biology. He especially loves research, crunching numbers, doing statistics and plotting nice graphs! In the computing space, he has experience of working on smart contracts as well as frontend and numerical computing.

Besides a love of sports (mainly running and working out), Gunther is a geography enthusiast, a keen traveller and a student of world cultures. He joined the Ociswap team in January 2023 and is also working on our smart contract implementation.

Area of expertise: Scrypto development


Area of expertise: UI/UX and graphics design


Area of expertise: front-end development


Area of expertise: marketing and copywriting

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