
Ociswap's official links and contact information for support, bug reports and feature requests

Members of the Ociswap team will never initiate contact with you via direct messages. In instances where doubts arise concerning the authenticity of any communication, we strongly advise you to verify the legitimacy of the source through official channels.

User Support

If you experience any issues, we kindly request that you first address your questions in the public channels. However, if your matter requires confidentiality, we invite you to initiate a support ticket on our Discord server.

Business Inquiries

If you have a marketing or strategic proposal that you'd like to discuss with our team, please don't hesitate to contact us via email. We're always excited to hear about potential collaborations and opportunities.

You may send your email to: meow@ociswap.com

Bug Reports

If you encounter any issues or bugs while using Ociswap, please report them via Discord so that our team can fix them and improve the experience for all users.

Reporting bugs is a valuable service to the Ociswap community. It helps us identify issues early and resolve them quickly. When reporting a bug, please include as much information as possible:

  • A clear description of the bug and how to reproduce it. The more details, the better.

  • The exact steps to reproduce the behavior.

  • Screenshots or videos showing the issue, if applicable.

  • Your browser, operating system and wallet provider, if applicable.

By reporting issues, you help make Ociswap more stable and reliable for everyone. We appreciate your time and effort!

Feature Requests

We highly value user feedback and actively encourage our community to contribute their suggestions and requests for specific features. To streamline this process and allow for collaborative discussions, we have created a dedicated "Suggestion" forum on our official Discord server.

Last updated